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Aufbau der StrainCell

The Vision! Turning silos to scales!

To display the tonnage directly at new and old industrial facilities, instead to the fill levels!
This Vision has come true: StrainCell

Calculation of tonnage in containers or silos involves complex calculations based on specific geometries of the vessel and parameters pertaining to the bulk solid being stored.

Strain Systems Europe GMBH has been established under the leadership of Gerhard Middendorf. Gerhard Middendorf with his 25 years of experience is uniquely qualified to provide no nonsense solutions for fill level and weight measurement problems.

The StrainCell designed by Walter P. Kistler eliminates a major flaw of other strain sensors on the market. viz: The errors caused by changing temperatures on calculated values of level and weight. The unique design uses centered gages and strain measurement in both horizontal and vertical directions. It delivers proven performance far superior to single axis strain gages or L Shaped sensors. Our sensor is for all intents and purposes the equivalent of a Load Cell but at a fraction of the cost of purchasing and installing load cells.

Signal Processing Electronics that are also available directly translate Strain and Compression at the vessel supports into Tons. Three specific questions are answered. How many tons were filled the last time? How many tons are still in the vessel? How many can be refilled?

Following graphic illustrates this simple concept: